The Calvert Family
The Calvert family living in Prince George's County, Maryland, is connected to the founders of the Maryland Colony via the 5th Lord Baltimore, Charles Calvert. Benedict Swingate Calvert was the illegitimate son of Charles and an unconfirmed woman, who is thought to have been Petronille Melusina Schulenberg (illegitimate daughter of King George I. Benedict was sent to Maryland as a child where he was highly educated and where he married his cousin, Elizabeth. Their descendants became some of the most powerful people living in the Maryland-area. Their son, George, would go on to marry Rosalie Stier in 1799, where they established themselves as powerful landowners. The daughter of Benedict and Elizabeth, Eleanor, would marry Jacky Custis, the son of Martha Washington and the stepson of George Washington.
Rosalie and George Calvert would go on to have nine children together: Caroline Maria, George Henry, Marie Louise I, Rosalie Eugenia, Charles Benedict, Henry, Marie Louise II, Julia, and Amelia. Perhaps the most famous of these children was Charles Benedict. Charles Benedict would go on to become a Representative for the State of Maryland, as well as start the Maryland Agricultural College (otherwise known today as the University of Maryland). You can read more about Charles Benedict and his various ventures on the Charles Benedict Calvert Resource Guide through the University of Maryland.