From Our Visitors...
From Our Visitors
What was the best part of our recent visitors' experience?
At the visitor's center the person at the desk was very warm and welcoming. She spent time giving us background information especially the recent updates that were not available on my last visit. Bravo!!! She set the tone for what turned out to be a wonderful visit. The same level of interaction was also provided on the tour of the house and kitchen. Great visit. Thank you.
Our tour guide Samantha was friendly, welcoming, and well versed in the history of the house. She also went out of her way to adapt her tour to address the learning needs of my Special Needs child without talking down to him. The tour was inclusive and educational.
Learning about the Lords Baltimore, the Stier and Plummer families and interesting tidbits about the wallpaper, floor coverings and paint colors.
Learning about the lives of the enslaved and the complex views held by slaveowners.
Our ability to explore different aspects of life at Riversdale--the owners and the enslaved.
Have you recently visited Riversdale? Do you have a suggestion for a program, or an area of improvement you'd love to see implemented? Then please get in touch today!
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